Week Ending November 19, 2010

No changes are necessary for the trading portfolio which stays at stocks 10% (5% in IWB and 5% in IWM), bonds 10% (all in TLT), 10% in natural resources (all in GLD) and the rest in money market substitute SHY.  We are quite defensively positioned in this portfolio and want to stay that way for now. 

Of course the default portfolio won’t change at all and will stay at 25% in all the four major asset classes with the only difference being the 25% in natural resources is divided equally between GLD and GDX.

Please refer to previous posts for further details and rationale.  As always, keep a solid foot in a spiritual path of your choice as you work on your financial health.

About Ramesh

Ramesh started investing in 1974. He has explored widely and deeply in the world of investing through avid reading and actual practicing all manners of strategies. Investing can be a fascinating journey by itself pointing to diverse challenges and points of learning about life and world. I would like to share my ideas and practices with all investors who seek not just monetary success but learning experience through the art and business of personal investing. Achieving financial health and freedom is an important goal in life. I would add, however, that having a spiritual dimension in life is equally, if not more, important.
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